22-year-old engineer combines two jobs thanks to remote work
Recently, the story of a 22-year-old engineer who managed to combine two full-time jobs thanks to remote work was shared on the Xataka website. His strategy was to do the minimum to avoid being assigned more tasks, which allowed him time to fulfill both job responsibilities.
The news highlights how teleworking has allowed employees to optimize their time by eliminating travel. In the case of this young engineer, working from home has given him the flexibility necessary to meet his work schedules and avoid the stress of having to travel from one job to another.

In an interview conducted for Xataka, the engineer explained in detail how he achieved this balance between his two jobs. He highlighted the importance of organization and time management to be able to fulfill all his work responsibilities without neglecting any of them.
This story is a clear example of how remote work has changed the way people can perform at work. The possibility of working from home has opened new opportunities to optimize time and achieve a balance between personal and professional life.