WhatsApp will stop working on certain iPhone models: Updating is key!

WhatsApp will stop working on certain iPhone models soon

WhatsApp will stop working on certain iPhone models soon

Published on October 15, 2021 by Jose Garcia in Xataka

Recently, WhatsApp announced that it will no longer support certain iPhone models that do not meet certain minimum system requirements. This means that users of these devices will have to upgrade their phone or switch to another device in order to continue using the popular messaging app.

The company has explained that this measure is due to the need to guarantee the security and privacy of users, as well as to be able to offer new features and improvements to the application. However, many users may not be aware of this situation and may find themselves surprised to find that WhatsApp stops working on their device from one day to the next.

It is important for iPhone users to check whether their model is compatible with the latest version of WhatsApp and, if not, take the necessary steps to continue using the app. This may include updating the phone's operating system or purchasing a new device that meets the minimum requirements.

Ultimately, it is essential to be aware of changes and updates to the applications we use on a daily basis, to avoid problems and ensure that we can continue to communicate safely and effectively with our contacts. Don't wait until it's too late to update your iPhone and continue enjoying WhatsApp!

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